Good air quality is crucial for high-altitude exercise, but it’s also imperative to keeping you healthy altogether. ACT’s Altiflo™ uses sophisticated CO2 sensors and ventilates whenever necessary. Additionally, the system meets OSHA standards, so you can rest assured knowing you’re getting the purest air for your altitude training.
One of the fundamental factors for an athlete is their ability to analyze their performance to see how they could do things better. Our system follows the same thought process, automatically logging and downloading your performance data for quick and easy analysis. Data sampling occurs every 6 seconds and can store a virtually limitless amount […]
Oxygen manipulation can be problematic because of how quickly it can cause a fire to spiral out of control, but when you use Altiflo™ in oxygenation applications, it automatically uses pressure sensors to calculate the maximum safe oxygen level in a room, thereby meeting the National Fire Protection Association’s (NFPA) standards.
Depending on where you’re training, energy can feel like a scarce resource, but ACT’s Altiflo™ only operates when needed and doesn’t use excess energy.
These equations are essential to altitude simulation and are considered to be the gold standard in our field. Knowing that you’re getting the best that science has made available can provide you with the boost in confidence you may need to soundly focus on your training and worry less about whether you’re experiencing accurate altitude […]
Altiflo™ system calculates the oxygen levels in a space and directly responds to the atmosphere, current oxygen levels, and air quality. The air units respond accordingly to give you precise control over a room’s oxygen, allowing you to create hyperoxic and hypoxic spaces with ease. And razor-sharp precision lets athletes train in incredibly specific environments, […]
Without a way to calculate the partial pressure of oxygen, a traditional system only controls oxygen levels and is unable to approximate the actual altitude of an environment. ACT’s Altiflo™, on the other hand, takes real-time barometric pressure and oxygen concentration into account to adjust the oxygen levels of your space to the altitude in […]