
Sports Altitude Training

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Hypoxic training, also known as altitude training, has been instrumental in shifting what we once thought we knew about physical fitness. This unique training method uses altitude simulation to create an environment where athletes can prepare their bodies for different oxygen levels. The resulting effects include improved performance levels and strengthened endurance through physiological changes. And with Altitude Control Technology, achieving greatness with altitude training has never been easier.

Athletes can start reaping the benefits of hypoxic training with Altiflo™, our revolutionary altitude simulation equipment. It’s the ideal training partner for athletes who want to push their performance to its limits and get accurate data about their workout efficiencies.

Altiflo™ enables you to either focus hypoxic training (high altitude) or on hyper oxygenated (low altitude) training, and can also hasten your recovery time, enabling your body to bounce back from strenuous activity faster so you can spend more time focusing on your goals. Our equipment is fast and easy to set up, so you can start capitalizing from hypoxic training immediately.

Who We Are

The team at Altitude Control Technology (ACT) stands at the forefront of sports elevation training technology, and we’re the designers, developers, and technicians behind the unique system known as Altiflo™.

We’ve been helping professional athletes perform at their peak conditions through all kinds of high-altitude and low-altitude training since 1996. We carry forms of simulation equipment capable of fitting rooms of various sizes and even tents — perfect for anyone craving some time outdoors.

ACT is a trusted name for both athletes who need to give it their all and for researchers looking to understand the impacts of reduced oxygen training chambers. ACT is also the go-to company for altitude training systems for prestigious names and industry titans like Real Madrid Soccer, Nike, Harvard Medical School, and the U.S. Ski Team. Speaking of U.S. teams, we’re also the first choice for Olympic Training centers around the world.

You can use ACT Altiflo™ equipment for all of your high-altitude and low-altitude exercises, and you’ll see a variety of benefits when you do. It’s an actual altitude simulator with state-of-the-art controls that allow you to customize the entire user experience.

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How It Works

ACT’s Altoflo™ is explicitly made for altitude simulation and intermittent high-altitude exercise for athletes. Developed in tandem with the U.S. government, it is the direct result of tireless research and development. Everything about it works together to create the safest and most accurate way for athletes to begin training safely with high-altitude and low-altitude exercises.

Although it uses rather sophisticated technology, interface of the the Altistat™ controller couldn’t be more intuitive to use. Many not only find that they can operate it with little to no experience or prior training, but they still get great results. Its automatic operation and low maintenance requirements solidify it as the easiest-to-use altitude simulation technology on the market.

For a more custom experience, the Altistat™ screen options include the following:

  • Altitude display, for those who prefer a clean display
  • Full display mode, for anyone who wants all data visible
  • Night time screen, providing zero light for a good night’s rest
  • Administrative controls, for full access (with proper authorization)

The Altistat™ system also allows you to create a schedule that tells it when to switch on and off, and you can switch the altitude readings to either feet or meters, whichever you prefer. If, while you’re in our altitude rooms, the oxygen or CO2 levels fall outside set ranges, the system will trip audio and visual alarms for your protection. Also, a full-color touchscreen a an accompanying mobile app for both iOS and Android.

Taking Advantage of Sports Elevation Training

When you’ve already reached peak performance as an athlete, finding ways to shave off a few seconds — or even milliseconds — becomes the focal point of your training. High-altitude training is an excellent way to improve your performance and take the next step in the quest for a perfect score.

Endurance athletes like swimmers or runners significantly benefit from high-altitude and low-altitude exercise. It’s common for these elite athletes to travel to remote areas and spend weeks training at specific altitudes. But even though sports medicine validates elevation training as a proven way to improve overall aerobic fitness, traveling to an isolated area for weeks isn’t a convenient solution for many people. It’s a costly and time-consuming endeavor, especially if you make it a habit.

You also risk facing the potential altitude sickness and dehydration that can come with prolonged exposure to higher altitudes, both of which carry the risk of impeding recovery. By putting yourself at the mercy of the mountains, you don’t have many options.

Therefore, it’s faster and much more convenient to use a high-altitude training system like Altiflo™. With this revolutionary equipment, you can simulate whatever environment you need, getting all the benefits of high-altitude exercise without any of the downsides.

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About Intermittent High-Altitude Exercise Systems

Altitude training in environmental chambers that alter oxygen levels is called intermittent hypoxic training or interval hypoxic training. Using interval altitude training methods can help you improve multiple aspects of your performance, which is why training in high-altitude chambers is becoming so common among professionals.

High-altitude exercise systems like Altiflo™ reduce the oxygen content in the air to create the ideal hypoxic training environment. The normobaric hypoxic (reduced oxygen) air enables you to safely and efficiently train your body to acclimatize to performing at its peak with less oxygen. Hypoxic training is vital for sports performance, but actively training in these environments is equally beneficial for rehabilitation and recovery.

Hypoxic Training, Hyperoxic Recovery and Normobaric Chambers


Utilizing both hypoxic and hyperoxic rooms have altitude training benefits no other form of training can attain. Altitude training under each condition will enhance or promote different aspects of growth and recovery.

Interval hypoxic training will reduce the oxygen levels in the room. These rooms teach your body to use oxygen more efficiently by purposely bringing it to fatigue. The body responds by building resilience in sub-par conditions, like when you are at high altitude or during an intense workout. The added endurance amplifies your performance when the body exerts effort under typical circumstances or when you are at sea level.

In contrast, hyperoxic rooms increase oxygen levels in the room. The increased oxygen allows for a body to train for longer periods of time and more intensely. The benefit of this is increased muscle mass. A hyperoxic room can also speed up recovery.

Normobaric oxygen chambers allow you to access both benefits: You can simulate how your body experiences symptoms of hypoxia (the lack of oxygen that you might experience at high altitudes). You can also use these elevation chambers to gain the benefits of hyperoxia (increased surplus of oxygen) to promote building muscle mass and faster recovery. And now you can create your own normobaric chambers, to use at will, with Altiflo™.

Designed with Athletes in Mind

There’s a lot for athletes to think about regarding their workouts, but the ACT controller makes many important considerations to ensure the best possible outcomes from their sports elevation training exercises.

A few of the algorithms that make the Altiflo™ stand out above other options for athletes include the following:

  • 01.
    Partial Pressure Calculation

    Without a way to calculate the partial pressure of oxygen, a traditional system only controls oxygen levels and is unable to approximate the actual altitude of an environment. ACT’s Altiflo™, on the other hand, takes real-time barometric pressure and oxygen concentration into account to adjust the oxygen levels of your space to the altitude in a realistic way. Those calculations are vital for athletes who want to test their bodies and train with accuracy.

  • 02.
    Oxygen Control

    Altiflo™ system calculates the oxygen levels in a space and directly responds to the atmosphere, current oxygen levels, and air quality. The air units respond accordingly to give you precise control over a room’s oxygen, allowing you to create hyperoxic and hypoxic spaces with ease. And razor-sharp precision lets athletes train in incredibly specific environments, helping their bodies perform at their best and recover faster.

  • 03.
    West Equations

    These equations are essential to altitude simulation and are considered to be the gold standard in our field. Knowing that you’re getting the best that science has made available can provide you with the boost in confidence you may need to soundly focus on your training and worry less about whether you’re experiencing accurate altitude simulation.

  • 04.
    Energy Savings

    Depending on where you’re training, energy can feel like a scarce resource, but ACT’s Altiflo™ only operates when needed and doesn’t use excess energy.

  • 05.
    Fire Safety

    Oxygen manipulation can be problematic because of how quickly it can cause a fire to spiral out of control, but when you use Altiflo™ in oxygenation applications, it automatically uses pressure sensors to calculate the maximum safe oxygen level in a room, thereby meeting the National Fire Protection Association’s (NFPA) standards.

  • 06.
    Data Logging

    One of the fundamental factors for an athlete is their ability to analyze their performance to see how they could do things better. Our system follows the same thought process, automatically logging and downloading your performance data for quick and easy analysis. Data sampling occurs every 6 seconds and can store a virtually limitless amount of data.

  • 07.
    Air Quality

    Good air quality is crucial for high-altitude exercise, but it’s also imperative to keeping you healthy altogether. ACT’s Altiflo™ uses sophisticated CO2 sensors and ventilates whenever necessary. Additionally, the system meets OSHA standards, so you can rest assured knowing you’re getting the purest air for your altitude training.

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The safest, most effective oxygenation systems on the planet™

Elevate Your Training with
Altitude Control Technology

Performance is everything to an athlete, so if you’re preparing your body and mind for something big, it’s understandable to be concerned about your performance. With ACT’s Altiflo™ you can trust that your body will have the power and endurance to handle anything.

If you’d like to hear more about how we can help you keep your strength and confidence, regardless of how high up you’re training, we encourage you to contact us. We’d be happy to discuss your options, offer more information, and schedule your free consultation today!

  • Trusted and Used Worldwide
  • Effectiveness
  • Safety
  • Domain Expertise

The safest, most effective oxygenation systems on the planet.™

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