Hypoxic Training, Hyperoxic Recovery and Normobaric Chambers
Utilizing both hypoxic and hyperoxic rooms have altitude training benefits no other form of training can attain. Altitude training under each condition will enhance or promote different aspects of growth and recovery.
Interval hypoxic training will reduce the oxygen levels in the room. These rooms teach your body to use oxygen more efficiently by purposely bringing it to fatigue. The body responds by building resilience in sub-par conditions, like when you are at high altitude or during an intense workout. The added endurance amplifies your performance when the body exerts effort under typical circumstances or when you are at sea level.
In contrast, hyperoxic rooms increase oxygen levels in the room. The increased oxygen allows for a body to train for longer periods of time and more intensely. The benefit of this is increased muscle mass. A hyperoxic room can also speed up recovery.
Normobaric oxygen chambers allow you to access both benefits: You can simulate how your body experiences symptoms of hypoxia (the lack of oxygen that you might experience at high altitudes). You can also use these elevation chambers to gain the benefits of hyperoxia (increased surplus of oxygen) to promote building muscle mass and faster recovery. And now you can create your own normobaric chambers, to use at will, with Altiflo™.