
Atmospheric pressure affects the partial pressure of oxygen and altitude simulation. ACT’s barometric sensor continuously monitors atmospheric conditions. In combination with data from the oxygen sensors, ACT’s proprietary algorithms calculate the partial pressure of oxygen and convert it to true altitude. This affords scientifically accurate altitude simulation and not merely “oxygen levels. ”

A barometer on its own is of little value without being fully integrated into a control system for altitude simulation and fire safety. Without a fully integrated pressure sensor, there is no way to know the true altitude. Even with stable oxygen percentages, altitude simulation can vary from the correct altitude by 300 meters or more due to pressure changes.

In oxygenation applications, the control system also uses pressure data to meet the NFPA fire safety standard, which is directly related to atmospheric pressure. Without this sensor meeting, the NFPA standards is not possible.

The benefit to you is true altitude simulation and fire safety at all times.

Oxygen readings are the most important element for altitude accuracy and human safety. ACT employs two state-of-the-art oxygen sensors explicitly made for altitude simulation systems. Since even the best sensors can drift out of calibration over time, ACT’s Sensor Validation™ technology compares the sensors’ readings to ensure absolute accuracy. If the sensors do not agree, the system immediately alerts the user and calibrates the sensors. With only one sensor and nothing to compare it to, it is impossible to know if readings are accurate or not.

To further ensure accuracy ACT’s controller can calibrate the sensors automatically. ACT’s sensors require no support gas and calibrate themselves in ordinary air. Calibration takes approximately one minute and only needs to be performed once a year.

ACT source its oxygen sensors specifically for its systems using ceramic zirconium technology – not chemical or galvanic sensors, which are far less accurate and have only a 1-2 year life. ACT’s sensors have a 10 year life. They require no maintenance. ACT’s sensors provide unmatched stability and performance over a wide temperature range of 0º to 130º F.

Sensor drift and need for calibration can result in errors of 500 meters or more in altitude simulation. By incorporating 1) two sensors, 2) software to compare readings, and 3) automatic calibration, ACT ensures the highest standard of accuracy and reliability. The result: you know that the altitude simulation is always accurate.

ACT’s COsensor monitors air quality every six seconds and sends this information to the controller. The controller can trigger ventilation to ensure the highest air quality and to comply with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requirements. This means a healthy and pleasant environment at all times.

ACT’s system can detect occupancy without motion sensors, which are unsuitable in rooms used for sleep. Instead, we use a proprietary technology not reliant on movement. Altitude rooms are unoccupied most of the time, and ordinary on-off systems without occupancy detection can waste a lot of energy. This intelligent feature saves significant energy and results in lower operating costs, higher air quality, and 24/7 room readiness.

The safest, most effective oxygenation systems on the planet.™

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