

First, we analyze your space – We measure the treated rooms, and analyze drawings. Then we run computer simulations with different scenarios including air flows, equipment configurations, occupancy levels, leak rates and use patterns to determine the time and equipment required to bring your room to the desired altitude and ensure air quality.

We analyze the building and its ventilation – Often the desired oxygenated room will share its air with another room or space through ventilation, humidification, or heat recovery systems. We provide options for limiting the air exchange, and the scope of the oxygenation system. We design for controlling dampers when the oxygenation system is in use. Ultimately some rooms are unsuited to oxygen control, and we would rather tell you this up front. On the other hand, we often have solutions for seemingly impossible projects.

We professionally install – An ACT system includes not just our proprietary hardware and programming, but also our expertise to integrate the system with the rest of the building. We are experienced in both new construction as well as retrofitting existing buildings. We can work directly with the owner of the building but most often we work with property managers, contractors, architects and suppliers of home automation systems.

We make the system fire safe – ACT systems meet the National Fire Protection Association standard for safe oxygen limits. The NFPA’s standard is a function of barometric pressure which is constantly changing. Without real-time barometric sensors, oxygen sensors and an integrated controller, a system cannot be brought close to the real oxygen limit and may only be fire safe “most of the time”. The ACT system is the only oxygenation system that meets the NFPA safety standard.

We make the system quiet – ACT engineers its systems to operate as silently as possible to the user.

We mitigate mechanical noise by mounting the compressors on rubber pads and/or spring suspensions. In addition, the entire air unit is often placed on sound attenuating pads. For overhead installations in ceiling and attic spaces, additional platform suspension is often added to prevent vibration being transmitted to adjoining spaces. Even the air unit’s external air intake and waste gas disposal lines have silencers to reduce the risk of noise entering living spaces. The result is a system that operates in virtual silence.

We keep the air fresh – Our sensors detect occupancy and activity in the room and can activate proper ventilation to keep the air fresh. 

We follow up
 – Being a company with engineers/technicians working on these systems full-time, ACT is available to provide convenient follow-up, including an annual checkup of your system.



Necessary features critical for safety:

  • Dual oxygen sensors
  • Barometric pressure sensor
  • Integrated CO2 sensor
  • NFPA’s safe oxygen limit algorithm
  • CDC’s standard for safe oxygen levels
  • Ability to trigger ventilation in response to air quality
  • Effective on-site oxygen production

Preferable features for function and convenience:

  • Ability to actuate dampers on the buildings HVAC system
  • Altitude displayed in feet/meters, – all serious altitude controllers have this feature – not just oxygen percentage
  • Integration with centralized building management system or home automation systems including Savant and Crestron
  • Ability to schedule automatic operation of the system
  • Ability to actuate the minimum amount of equipment for energy savings
  • Ability to interact with a building’s fire panel, and shut off the oxygen system in the case of an emergency
  • Ability for remote sensors
  • Touch screen user interface
  • Data logging
  • Remote access from PC or smartphone

The safest, most effective oxygenation systems on the planet.™

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