
Offer Your Guests
A Good Night’s Rest

You offer the ultimate in luxury mountain lodging. From fluffy pillows to ultra-soft sheets, you’ve thought of every detail to ensure your guests enjoy their stay. Or have you? Do your rooms include altitude simulation?

Taking a deep breath of mountain air feels fabulously refreshing, however each breath contains less oxygen than at lower altitudes. This lack of oxygen can cause big problems, especially for travelers whose bodies are accustomed to lower elevation. Starting at just 6,000 feet, many people experience trouble sleeping. According to the Cleveland Clinic, by 8,000 feet, about half will experience some form of altitude sickness symptoms. And at 10,000 feet, almost 76 percent of people will feel the effects of altitude. When you own lodging in the mountains, you will have guests with altitude sickness. They will experience insomnia, headaches, and fatigue that can ruin a vacation.

The solution to altitude sickness is oxygen. While some of your guests might try oxygen canisters or make a visit to an oxygen bar, these short-term influxes of oxygen are not sufficient to prevent recurring symptoms. A better approach is to provide oxygen during the night, preventing symptoms during the day. Just eight hours of sleeping in an oxygenated environment interrupts the cycle of hypoxia that leads to altitude sickness. It’s as though your guests are making day trips to the mountains and returning to sea level each evening to get a good night’s sleep. They’ll wake feeling vibrant, refreshed, and ready to enjoy their stay.

When you offer rooms with altitude simulation, you offer luxury beyond what can be felt or touched. Guests will choose your accommodations because they feel better, allowing them to do more. This gives you a competitive advantage.

ACT Hospitality’s technology provides hotels with complete altitude simulation environments. Each room is individually monitored for oxygen, air quality, and barometric pressure. Guests set their preferred altitude on a sleek, modern Altistat™ touch screen within their rooms. Adjustments are made automatically to ensure the desired altitude is consistently and safely maintained. Our system is quiet and unobtrusive, so your carefully executed aesthetic is not disturbed. Your guests will not see or hear our system, but they will feel the difference.

Our highly qualified and experienced team works directly with you to plan and install an altitude simulation system. We work closely with hospitality architects to integrate the system into the design of your building, whether it is a new build or a renovation of an existing building. We install in hotels, condominiums, or any other multi-family building. Because each system is uniquely designed, we can work with you to find the best solution for your unique accommodation layout.

Our customized approach extends beyond the installation. We have the capability to integrate our systems into a usage-based pricing model, so that each guest can choose whether or not to activate a room’s oxygenation system. When using this model, we can structure our partnership with lower up-front investment. With this lower-risk entry into the luxury room oxygenation market, you can recoup your initial investment more quickly while elevating your brand through room oxygenation.

With ACT Hospitality, you can truly differentiate your lodging. Your guests will sleep as well as they do at home and will have the energy to enjoy the amenities you offer. Your guests can avoid the troubles of altitude by sleeping in an oxygenated environment from Altitude Control Technology.

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offer luxury beyond what can be felt or touched

The room’s oxygenated environment is managed individually, so guests can set their preferred altitude setting on the sleek, modern Altistat™ touch screen. Unlike short-term altitude fixes like oxygen bars or canned oxygen, ACT Hospitality provides guests with a comfortable and seamless solution for their entire stay.

The safest, most effective oxygenation systems on the planet™

Elevate Your Guest Experience with
Altitude Control Technology

  • Trusted and Used Worldwide
  • Effectiveness
  • Safety
  • Domain Expertise

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